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Peaceful Dove Healing Center


You know how

to heal yourself.  All you

need is permission.



Andres Frame blends body-based therapies with energy healing to align the body, mind and soul into a natural harmony. She is trained in Polarity Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Hawaiian Kahuna Healing, Bio-energy Healing, Sound Healing and Aromatherapy.

What clients say


“Your treatments are gentle, yet powerful. After our series, I experienced pain relief, better alignment and an improved outlook on life. While lying on your healing table, I found a complete sense of peace, tranquility and joy."


KS, accountant, British Columbia

   Craniosacral Therapy
    Reiki Energy Healing
    Polarity Therapy/Reflexology 
    Aqua Chi Detox Foot Bath
    Raindrop Healing
    Sound Healing

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Call: 703-476-2060

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